This book is the deeply personal story what has shaped Trevor Noah, South African comedian and host of the Daily Show. Born in South Africa to a black mother and a white European father,"born a crime" in South Africa under Apartheid.
An astonishing memoir that details growing up in the midst of a crumbling Apartheid. This is a sharply humorous,engaging and unforgettable record of Noah's life and at its heart, a love letter to his remarkable mother.
最近の中で最も人にお薦めしたい本。米国で活躍するコメディアンによるアパルトヘイト下で産まれ育った頃の自叙伝。アパルトヘイトがいかに巧妙で理不尽で残虐な仕組みだったのか、社会や個人にどんな影響を与えたのか否応なしに考えさせる内容でありつつも、明るく逞しく前向きに生き抜く姿に感嘆すら覚えつつ、読み進めた。 本書の中で一番印象に残った言葉··· Love is a creative act. When you love someone you create a new world for them.↓