うちにあるのはアラカシなんですが、カシの仲間は常緑ですが5月頃に新しい葉が出て葉が入れ替わるので古い葉が落ちますし、10~11月にはどんぐりが落ちます。木が大きくなるとけっこうな量です(笑) 隣の家に落ちる場所だと気を使いますが、それが大丈夫なら、丈夫で、木らしい木でいいかもしれません。
It doesn't believe in God like him. Makes me believe in aliens from outer space. Because human couldn't have done this to his own kid.
She doesn't believe a person can be a lost cause. I had eveything I needed to be happy. They were right in front of me whole time. All I had to do was open my eyes and see them.
As the elevator descended he felt his energy diametrically rise.